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Godard, V., Forte, A., Simoes, M., Petit, C., Cattin, R., Structural controls on drainage divide migration, submitted to Geomorphica.

Gautier, M., Ferry, M., Gautier, S., Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Drukpa, D., Cattin, R., Deformed alluvial terraces record an excess of slip over the last few centuries on the Himalayan Topographic Frontal Thrust of central Bhutan, 5, 590, Nature Communications Earth & Environment PDF , 2024.

Macais, Y., Comment les cataclysmes sculptent-ils les paysages ?, CNRS le journal, Focus Sciences, 2024.

Gautier, M., Gautier, S., Cattin, R., PyMERRY : A Python solution for an improved interpretation of electrical resistivity tomography images, Geophysics, 89, 1, PDF , 2024.


Cattin, R. Epard, J.L., Himalaya, Dynamics of a Giant 3 : Current Activity of the Himalayan Range, pp 278,, 2023.

Cattin, R. Epard, J.L., Himalaya, Dynamics of a Giant 2 : Tectonic Units and Structure of the Himalaya, pp 294,, 2023.

Cattin, R. Epard, J.L., Himalaya, Dynamics of a Giant 1 : Geodynamic Setting of the Himalayan Range, pp 266,, 2023.

Cattin R., Hetenyi, G., Berthet, T., Chophel, J., Gravity Observations and Models Along the Himalayan Arc, chap. 5, Vol. 1 in Himalaya, dynamics of a giant R. Cattin & J.L. Epard, ISTE-Wiley ed.,, PDF , 2023.

Drukpa, D., Gautier, S., Cattin, R., Application of Near-surface Geophysical Methods for Imaging Active Faults in the Himalaya, chap. 7, Vol. 1 in Himalaya, dynamics of a giant R. Cattin & J.L. Epard, ISTE-Wiley ed.,, PDF , 2023.

Holtmann, R., Cattin, R., Simoes, M., Steer, P., Revealing the hidden signature of fault slip history in the morphology of degrading scarps, Nature Scientific Reports, 13:3856, doi :, 2023, PDF .


Garcia-Estève, C., Caniven, Y., Cattin, R., Dominguez, S., Sylvain, R., Morphotectonic evolution of an alluvial fan : Results of a joint analog and numerical modeling approach, Geosciences, 11,412, doi:10.3390/geosceineces11100412, 2021, PDF .

Simoes, M., Sassolas-Serrayet, T., Cattin, R., Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Ferry, M., Drukpa, D., Topographic disequilibrium, landscape dynamics and active tectonics : an example from the Bhutan Himalayas. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9, 895–921, doi:10.5194/esurf-9-895-2021, 2021, PDF .

Cattin, R., Berthet, T., Hetenyi, G., Saraswati,A., Panet, I., Cadio,C., Mazzotti, S., Ferry, M., Joint inversion of ground gravity data and satellite gravity gradients between Nepal and Bhutan : New insights on structural and seismic segmentation of the Himalayan arc., Physics Chemistry of the Earth, 123, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2021.103002, 2021, PDF .


Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Ferry, M., Cattin, R., Ritz, J.F., Drupka, D., Pelgay, P., A 2600-yr-long paleoseismic record for the Himalayan Main Frontal Thrust (Western Bhutan), Solid Earth, 11, 2359-2375, 2020, PDF .

Steer, P., Jeandet, L., Cubas, N., Odin, M., Meunier, P., Simoes, M., Cattin, R., Shyu, B., Mouyen, M., Liang, W.T, Theunissen, T., Chiang, S.H. and Hovius, N., Earthquake statistics changed by typhoon-driven erosion, Nature sceintific reports, 10:10899, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-67865-y, 2020, PDF .

Etienne, T., Aymeric, J.-L., Cattin, R., Dalverny, A.-L, Dorignac, J., Gannoun, L., Lemoigno, F., Parat, F., Saby, N., Weigel, C., Les prérequis pour réussir - Licence de Sciences , Dunod Edition, 2020.


Sassolas-Serrayet, T., Cattin, R., Ferry, M., Godard, V., Simoes, M,, Estimating the disequilibrium in denudation rates due to divide migration at the scale of river basins, Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 1041-1057, 2019, PDF .

Saraswati, A.T., Cattin, R., Mazzotti, S., Cadio, C.,, New analytical solution and associated software for computing full-tensor gravitational field due to irregularly shaped bodiesJ. Geodesy 93(1190/1):1-17, 2019, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Cattin, R., Drukpa, D., Bhutan earthquake opens doors to geophysical studies, Eos, 100, 1, 26-31, 2019, PDF .


Sassolas-Serrayet T., Cattin, R., Ferry, M., The shape of watersheds, Nature Communication, 9:3791 | doi : 10.1038/s41467-018-06210-4, 2018, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Cattin, R., Drukpa, D., Bhutan earthquake opens doors to geophysical studies, Eos, 99, doi : 10.1029/2018EO103055, 2018, PDF .

Grujic, D., Hetényi, G., Cattin, R., Baruah, S., Benoit, A., Drukpa, D., Saric, A., Stress transfer and connectivity between the Bhutan Himalaya and the Shillong Plateau, Tectonophysics, 744, 322-332, 2018, PDF .


Drukpa, D., Gautier, S., Cattin, R., Namgay, K., Le Moigne, N., Impact of near-surface fault geometry on secular slip rate assessment derived from uplifted river terraces : implications for convergence accommodation across the frontal thrust in southern Central Bhutan, Geophys. J. Int, doi : 10.1093/gji/ggx478, 2017, PDF .

Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, R., Peyret, M. Cattin, R., Maerten, F., Relationships between along-fault heterogeneous normal stress and fault slip patterns during the seismic cycle : Insights from a strike-slip fault laboratory model, EPSL, 480, 147-157, 2017, PDF .

Cattin, R., Bollinger, L., Klinger, Y ;, Un séisme de magnitude 9 est-il possible le long de l’arc himalayen ?, Géochronique, 144, 41-45, 201, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Drukpa, D., Cattin, R., What we have learnt about Bhutan earthquakes in recent years, Kuensel, 11, 2017, PDF .


Marechal, A., Mazzotti, S., Cattin, R., Cazes, G., Vernant, P., Drukpa, D., Thinley, K., Tarayoun, A., Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Thapa, B. B., Pelgay, P., Gyeltshen, J., Doerflinger, E., Gautier, S., Evidence of interseismic coupling variations along the Himalayan arc from new GPS data in Bhutan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071163, 2016, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Berthet, T., Cattin, R., Cauzzi, C., Phuntsho, C., Grolimund, R., Joint approach combining damage and paleoseismology observations constrains the 1714 A.D. Bhutan earthquake at magnitude 8 ± 0.5, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071033, 2016, PDF .

Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Ferry, M., Ritz, J.F., Berthet, T., Cattin, R., Drukpa,D., First paleoseismic evidence for great surface-rupturing earthquakes in the Bhutan Himalayas, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012733, 2016, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Cattin, R., Berthet, T., Le Moigne, N., Chophel, J, Lechmann, S., Hammer, P., Drukpa, D., Sapkota, S., Gautier, S., Thinley, K., Segmentation of the Himalayas as revealed by arc-parallel gravity anomalies, Nature Scientific Reports 6, Article number : 33866, doi:10.1038/srep33866, 2016, PDF .

Cadio, C., Saraswati, A., Cattin, R., Mazzotti, S., A new approach to assess isostatic compensation of topography in continental domain from GOCE gravity gradients, Geophys. J. Int., 207, 645–654, 2016, PDF .


Cattin, R., Mazzotti, S., Baratin, L.M, GravProcess : An easy-to-use MATLAB program to process campaign gravity data and evaluate the associated uncertainties, Computer & Geosciences, 81, 20-27, 2015, PDF .

Le Roux-Mallouf, R., Godard, V. Cattin, R., Ferry, M., Gyeltshen, J., Ritz, J.F., Drupka, D., Guillou, V., Arnold, M., Aumaître, G. Bourlès, D. L., Keddadouche, K., Geophys. Res. Lett., Evidence for a wide and gently dipping Main Himalayan Thrust in western Bhutan, doi : 10.1002/2015GL063767, 2015, PDF .

Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, R., Cattin, R., Peyret, M., Marchandon, M., Romano, C., Strak, V., A new multilayered visco-elastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle, Tectonics, doi : 10.1002/2014TC003701, 2015, PDF .


Steer, P., Simoes, M., Cattin, R., Shyu, J. B. H., Erosion influences the seismicity of active thrust faults, Nature commun., doi : 10.1038/ncomms6564, 2014, PDF .

Vernant, P., Bilham, R., Szeliga, W., Drukpa, D., Kalita, S., Bhattacharyya, A. K., Gaur, V. K., Pelgay, P., Cattin, R., Berthet, T., Clockwise rotation of the Brahmaputra Valley relative to India : tectonic convergence in the eastern Himalaya, Naga Hills and Shillong Plateau, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JB011196, 2014, PDF .

Berthet, T.. Ritz, J.F., Ferry, M., Pelgay, P., Cattin, R., Drukpa, D., Braucher, R. and Hetényi, G., Active tectonics in eastern Himalaya : new constraints from the first morphotectonic study in southern Bhutan, Geology, 42 (5), 427-430, 2014, PDF .


Berthet, T., Hetényi, G., Cattin, R., Sapkota, S.N., Champollion, C., Kandel, T., Doerflinger, E., Drukpa, D., Lechmann, S., Bonin, M., Lateral similarity of India plate strength and crustal structure over Central and Eastern Nepal, Geophys. J. Int., doi : 10.1093/gji/ggt357, 2013, PDF .

Hammer, P., Hetényi, G., Berthet, T., Cattin, R., Drukpa, D., Chophel, J. Lechmann, S., Le Moigne, N., Champollion, C. and Doerflinger, E., Flexure of the India Plate underneath the Bhutan Himalaya, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 4225-4230, doi : 10.1002/grl.50793, 2013, PDF .

Vernant, P., Hivert, F., Chéry, C., Steer, P., Cattin, R., Rigo, A., Erosion-induced isostactic extension in low convergent mountain Ranges, Geology, 41 (4), 467-479, 2013, PDF .


Cattin, R., Simoes, M. and Steer, P., Couplages entre tectonique et processus de surface dans les orogènes à l’échelle du cycle sismique, Géochronique, 124, 14-16, 2012, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Berthet, T. and Cattin, R., De l’occurence des gros séismes au Bhoutan, Geosciences Actuel, 2/2012, 15-18, 2012, PDF .

Delescluse, M., Chamot-Rooke, N., Cattin, R., Fleitout, L., Trubienko, O. and Vigny, C., April 2012 intra-oceanic seismicity off Sumatra boosted by the Banda-Aceh megathrust, Nature, doi:10.1038/nature11520, 2012, PDF .


Roger, F., Jolivet, M., Cattin, R. and Malavieille, J., Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tectonothermal evolution of the eastern part of the Tibetan plateau (Songpan-Garzê, Longmen Shan area) : insights from thermochronological data and simple thermal modelling, From : Gloaguen,R. & Ratschbacher, L. (eds) Growth and Collapse of the Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 353, 9–25, 2011 , PDF .

Hetényi, G., Vergne, J., Bollinger, L. and Cattin, R., Discontinuous low-velocity zones in southern Tibet question the viability of channel flow model, From : Gloaguen,R. & Ratschbacher, L. (eds) Growth and Collapse of the Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 353, 99–108, 2011, PDF .

Peyret, M., Dominguez, S., Cattin, R., Champenois, J., Leroy, M. and Zajac, A., Present‐day interseismic surface deformation along the Longitudinal Valley, eastern Taiwan, from a PS‐InSAR analysis of the ERS satellite archives, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B03402, doi:10.1029/2010JB007898, 2011, PDF .

Hetényi, G., Godard, V., Cattin, R., and Connolly, J.A.D., Incorporating metamorphism in geodynamic models : the mass conservation problem, Geophys. J. Int., doi : 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05052.x, 2011, PDF .

Steer, P., Cattin, R., Lavé, J. and Godard, V., Surface Lagrangian Remeshing : a new tool for studying long term evolution of continental lithosphere from 2D numerical modelling, Computers and Geosciences, 37, 1067-1074, 2011, PDF .

Steer, P., Bigot, A., Cattin, R., Soliva, R., In-situ characterization of the effective elasticity of a fault zone, and its relationship to fracture spacing, J. Struct. Geol., 33, 1541-1553, 2011, PDF .

Burtin, A., Cattin, R., Bollinger, L., Vergne, J., Steer, P., Robert, A., Findling, N., Tiberi, C., Towards the hydrologic and bed load monitoring from high-frequency seismic noise in a braided river : The ‘‘torrent de St Pierre’’, French Alps, J. Hydrology, 408, 43-53, 2011, PDF .


Hetényi, G., Cattin, R., and Vergne, J., Geodynamics of Tibet and the Himalayas. LAP Lambert Acad. Publ., ISBN 978-3-8383-2353-4, 408 pp, 2010.

Mouyen, M., Cattin, R., and Masson, F., Seismic cycle stress change in western Taiwan Over the Last 270 Years, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L03306, doi:10.1029/2009GL042292, 2010, PDF .

Robert, A., Pubellier, M., de Sigoyer, J., Vergne, J., Lahfid, A., Cattin, R., Findling, N., Zhu,J., Structural and thermal characters of the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China), Tectonophysics, 491, 165-173, 2010, PDF .

Robert, A., Zhu, J., Vergne, J., Cattin, R., Chan, L.S., Wittlinger, G., Herquel, G., de Sigoyer, J., Pubellier, M., Zhu, L.D., Crustal structures in the area of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake from seismologic and gravimetric data, Tectonophysics, 491, 205-210, 2010, PDF .

Godard, G., Lavé, J., Carcaillet, J., Cattin, R., Bourlès, D., Zhu, J., Spatial Distribution of Denudation in Eastern Tibet and Regressive Erosion of Plateau Margins, Tectonophysics, 491, 253-274, 2010, PDF .


Cattin, R., N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Pubellier, A. Rabaute, M. Delescluse, C. Vigny, L. Fleitout, and P. Dubernet, Stress change and effective friction coefficient along the Sumatra-Andaman-Sagaing fault system after the 26 December 2004 (Mw = 9.2) and the 28 March 2005 (Mw = 8.7) earthquakes, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q03011, doi:10.1029/2008GC002167, 2009, PDF .

Godard, V. ; Pik, R. ; Lavé, J. ; Cattin, R. ; Tibari, B. ; de Sigoyer, J. ; Pubellier, M. ; Zhu, J. Late Cenozoic evolution of the central Longmen Shan, eastern Tibet : Insight from (U-Th)/He thermochronometry Tectonics, Vol. 28, No. 5, TC5009, doi:10.1029/2008TC002407, 2009, PDF .

Godard, V., Cattin, R., Lavé, J., Erosion control on the dynamics of continental plateaus margins with low convergence rate, Geophys. J. Int., 179, 763–777, doi : 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04324.x, 2009, PDF .

Burtin, A., L. Bollinger, R. Cattin, J. Vergne, and J. L. Nábělek, Spatiotemporal sequence of Himalayan debris flow from analysis of high-frequency seismic noise, J. Geophys. Res., 114, F04009, doi:10.1029/2008JF001198, 2009, PDF .

Mouyen, M., F. Masson, C. Hwang, C.-C. Cheng, R. Cattin, C.W. Lee, N. Le Moigne, J. Hinderer, J. Malavieille, R. Bayer, B. Luck, Expected temporal absolute gravity change across the Taiwanese orogen, a modeling approach, J. Geodynamics, 48, 284-291, 2009, PDF .


Jolivet, R., Cattin, R., Chamot-Rooke, N. and Lasserre, C., Peltzer and G., Thin-plate modeling of interseismic deformation and asymmetry across the Altyn Tagh fault zone, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 35, L02309, doi:10.1029/2007GL031511, 2008, PDF .

Burtin, A., Bollinger, L., Vergne, J., Cattin, R., and Nabelek, J.L., Spectral analysis of seismic noise induced by rivers : A new tool to monitor spatio-temporal changes in stream hydrodynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B05301, doi:10.1029/2007JB005034, 2008, PDF .


Vigny, C., de Chabalier, JB., Ruegg, J.C., Huchon, P., Feigl, K., Cattin,R., Asfaw, L., and Kanbari, K., 25 years of geodetic measurements along the Tadjoura-Asal rift system, Djibouti, East Africa, J. Geophys. Res., 12, B06410, doi:10.1029/2004JB003230, 2007, PDF .

Hetenyi, G., Cattin, R., Brunet, F., Bollinger, L., Vergne, J., Nabelek, J.L. and Diament, M., Density distribution of the India plate beneath the Tibetan Plateau : geophysical and petrological constraints on the kinetics of lower-crustal eclogitization, 264, 226-244, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 2007 PDF .


Godard, V., Lavé, J. and Cattin, R., Numerical modeling of erosion processes in the Himalayas of Nepal, effects of spatial variation of rock strength and precipitations, Geological Society London Special Publication, 2006, PDF .

Hetényi, H., Cattin, R., Vergne, J. and Nábelek, J.L., The Effective Elastic Thickness of the India Plate from Receiver Function Imaging, Gravity Anomalies and Thermo-mechanical Modelling, Geophys. J. Int., 167, 1106-1118, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03198.x, 2006, PDF .


Cattin, R., Doubre, C., de Chabalier, JB, King, G., Vigny, C., Avouac, JP, Ruegg, JC, Numerical modelling of quaternary deformation and post-rifting displacement in the Asal-Ghoubbet rift (Djibouti, Africa), 239, 352-367, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 2005, PDF .


Lovenbruck, A., Cattin, R., Le Pichon, X., Dominguez, S. and Michel, R., Coseismic slip resolution and postseismic relaxation time of the 1999 Chi-Chi , Taiwan, earthquake as constrained by geological observations, geodetic measurements and seismicity, Geophys. J. Int., 158, 310-326, 2004, PDF .

Cattin, R., Loevenbruck, A. and Le Pichon, X.,Why does the co-seismic slip of the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake increase progressively northwestward on the plane of rupture ? Tectonophysics, 368, 67-80, 2004, PDF .

Simoes, M., Avouac, J.P., Cattin, R. and Henry, P., The Sumatra subduction zone : a case for a locked fault zone extending into the mantle, J. Geophy. Res., 109, B10402, doi:10.1029/2003JB002958, 2004 PDF .

Bollinger, L., Avouac, J.P, Cattin, R. and Pandey, M.R., Stress build up in the Himalaya, J. Geopy. Res., 109,doi:10.1029/2003JB002911, 2004, PDF .

Godard, V., Cattin, R. and Lavé, J., Numerical modeling of mountain building : interplay between erosion law and crustal rheology, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, doi:10.1029/2004GL021006, 2004, PDF .


Lyon-Caen, H. et Cattin, R., Pourquoi l’Himalaya ne s’effondre pas sous son propre poids, in Himalaya-Tibet, le choc des continents, 57-62, CNRS Editions, 2002.


Loevenbruck, A., Cattin, R., Le Pichon, X., Courty, M.L. and Yu, S., Elastic deformation and seismic cycle in Taiwan derived from GPS measurements, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 333, 57-64, 2001, PDF .

Vergne, J., Cattin R., and Avouac, J.P., On the use of dislocations to model interseismic strain and stress build-up at intracontinental thrust faults, Geophys. J. Int., 147, 155-162, 2001, PDF .

Cattin, R., Martelet, G., Henry, P., Avouac, J.P., Diament, M. and Shakya, T.R., Gravity anomalies, crustal structure and thermo-mechanical support of the Himalayas of Central Nepal, Geophys. J. Int., 147, 381-392, 2001, PDF .

Avouac, J.P., Bollinger, L., Lavé, J., Cattin, R. et Flouzat, M., Le cycle sismique en Himalaya, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 333, 513-529, 2001, PDF .


Cattin, R. and Avouac, J.P. Modeling mountain building and the seismic cycle in the Himalaya of Nepal. J. Geophys. Res, 105, 13,389-13,407, 2000, PDF .


Cattin, R., Briole, P., Lyon-Caen, H., Bernard, P. and Pinettes, P., Effects of superficial layers on coseismic displacements for a dip-slip fault and geophysical implications, Geophys. J. Int., 137, 149-158, 1999 PDF .


Bernard, P., Briole, P., Meyer, B., Lyon-Caen, H., Gomez, J.M., Tiberi, C., Berge, C., Cattin, R. et al., The Ms=6.2, June 15, 1995, Aigion earthquake (Greece) : Evidence for low angle normal faulting in the Corinth rift, J. Seism., 1, 131-150, 1997, PDF .

Cattin, R., Lyon-Caen, H. and Chéry, J., Quantification of interplate couplking in subduction zones and forearc topography, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1563-1566, 1997, PDF .


Henri, P., Guy, C., Cattin, R., Sornein, J.F. and Caristan, Y., A convective model of a water flow in Mururoa basalts, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 60, 2087-2105, 1996, PDF .


Hatzfeld, D., Nord, J., Paul, A., Guiguet, R., Briole, P., Ruegg, J.C., Cattin, R. et al., The Kozani-Grevena (Greece) earthquake of May 13, 1995, Ms=6.6. Preliminary results of a field multidisciplinary survey, Seism. Res. Lett., 66, 61-70, 1995, PDF .