Bandeau photo


Gautier, Ferry, Gautier, Le Roux-Mallouf, Drukpa, Cattin, The hidden story of alluvial terraces formation: decoding non-planarity and significances, AGU fall meeting, 2023.

Gautier, Gautier, Cattin, PyMERRY: Python iMprovement of Electrical Resistivity tomography ReliabilitY a new post processing tool for improving electrical resistivity image analysis, AGU fall meeting, 2023.

Dominguez, Garcia-Estève, Sylvain, Cattin, Micro-properties of a new analog material (MAT-V) dedicated to geomorphic Experiments, Geomod, 2023.

Garcia-Estève, Cattin, Dominguez, How do extreme events impact landscape morphology? Benefits of analogue and numerical modelling, Geomod, 2023.

Steer, Holtmann, Cattin, Simoes, Revealing the hidden signature of fault slip history in the morphology of degrading scarps, EGU23-9275, 2023.

Gautier, Gautier, Cattin. A new approach to quantify the reliability of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) images, EGU23-12499, 2023.


Gautier, Gautier, Cattin. A new approach of electrical sensitivity topography sensitivity for geophysical characterization of natural hazards. G2 meeting 2022: Geodesy, Geophysics and Mountains, Grenoble, 2022.


Simoes, Sassolas-Serrayet, Cattin, Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Drukpa. Topographic disequilibrium, landscape dynamics and active tectonics : an example from the Bhutan Himalayas, EGU21-1322, 2021.

Steer, Jeandet-Ribes, Cattin, Simoes, Cubas, Bhat, Shyu, Mouyen, Odin, Hovius. Toward a better understanding of the impact of erosion on fault slip and seismicity, EGU21-1179, 2021.


Sassolas-Serrayet, Simoes, Cattin, Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Drukpa. Quantifying active tectonics in the case of dynamic and unstable landscape : an example from the Bhutan Himalayas, EGU2020-8884, 2020.


Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Ritz, Cattin, Drukpa, A 3500-yr-long paleoseismic record for the Himalayan Main Frontal Thrust (Western Bhutan), AGU 2019.

Caniven, Morgan, Blank, Cattin, DEM Simulations of Earthquake Cycles along Strike-Slip Faults : Controls on the Slow-Slip Nucleation of Earthquakes, AGU 2019.

Cadio, Saraswati, Cattin, Mazzotti, Subduction of tectonic plates in the GOCE signal, JA08p-329, IUGG 2019.

Cattin, Saraswati, Mazzotti, Cadio, Quesnel, GEEC : A Matlab-based Software for Computing Ground, Aerial and Satellite Gravity and Magnetic Fields due to an Irregular Shaped Body, U08p-191, IUGG 2019.

Ferry, Roth, Ritz, Cattin, Holocene along-arc extension in the Himalayas : the Yadong Cross Structure, TS4.2/GM4.4, EGU 2019.

Lasserre, Marconato, Sassolas-Serrayet, De Zan, Ansari, Doin, Mazzotti, Cattin, Ferry. Lateral Variations of Interseismic Coupling along the Himalayan Arc in Bhutan : Clues from Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR Data?, AGU Fall Meeting, 2019.


Grujic, Hetényi, Cattin, Baruah, Benoit, Drukpa, Saric, Stress transfer and connectivity between the Bhutan Himalaya and the Shillong Plateau, HKT 2018.

Le Roux-Mallouf Ferry, Ritz, Cattin, Drukpa, Pelgay, A 3500-yr-long paleoseismic record for the Himalayan Main Frontal Thrust, Western Bhutan, HKT 2018.

Drukpa, Gautier, Cattin, Namgay, Le Moigne, Near-surface geophysical imaging of the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) : Implications for tectonic geomorphology and seismic hazrd assessment, ESC-S13-336, 2018.

Hetényi, Cattin, Grujic, Berthet, Diehl, Project GANSSER Working Group, and Project BHUTANEPAL Working Group, Characterization of the complex 3D structure and deformation pattern in the eastern third of the Himalaya, EGU2018-14591, 2018.

Cattin, Hetényi, Bollinger, Le Roux-Mallouf, Mazzotti, Hoste Colomer, Marechal, Ferry, Ritz, Vernant, Along-strike variations in Himalayan present-day seismicity and modern convergence rate : an overview, EGU2018-13799, 2018.

Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Ritz, Cattin, Drukpa, Pelgay., A 3500-yr-long paleoseismic record for the Himalayan Main Frontal Thrust (Western Bhutan), EGU2018-7351, 2018.


Ferry, Roth, Ritz,Cattin, Holocene surface-rupturing earthquakes along the Yadong Cross Structure (Himalaya), T43B-0683, AGU, 2017.

Saraswati, Mazzotti, Cattin, Cadio,Slab Geometry and Segmentation on Seismogenic Subduction Zone ; Insight from gravity gradients, T23E-0657, AGU, 2017.

Sassolas-Serrayet, Ferry, Simoes, Cattin, Testing the steady-state landscape assumption along the Himalayan arc from western Nepal to eastern Bhutan, T33C-0741, AGU, 2017.

Steer, Jeandet, Cubas, Marc, Meunier, Hovius, Simoes, Cattin, Shyu, Liang,Theunissen, Chiang, Typhoon-driven landsliding induces earthquakes : example of the 2009 Morakot typhoon, EGU2017-9089, 2017.

Saraswati, Cattin, Mazzotti, Cadio, Optimum topography corrections for gravity and gravity-gradients data from ground to satellite observations, EGU2017-12998, 2017.


Corbi, Funiciello, Brizzi, Van Rijsingen, Lallemand, Dominguez, Cattin, Control of barrier width on asperities synchronization and genesis of great subduction megathrust earthquakes : insights from 3D analog models, GeoMod Montpellier, 2016.

Caniven, Dominguez, Soliva, Cattin, Peyret, Romano, A new multilayered visco-elasto-plastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle, GeoMod Montpellier, 2016.

Dominguez, Mazzotti, Cattin, Peyret, Lallemand, Malavieille, Soliva, Romano, A visco-elastic model to study experimentally megathrust seismic cycle in subduction tectonic settings, GeoMod Montpellier, 2016.

Marechal, Mazzotti, Cattin, Cazes, Vernant, Drukpa, Thinley, Tarayoun, Le Roux-Mallouf, Thapa, Pelgay, Gyeltshen, Doerflinger, Gautier, Evidence of interseismic coupling variations along the Himalayan arc from new GPS data in Bhutan, GeoMod Montpellier, 2016.

Hetényi, Le Roux-Mallouf, Berthet, Cattin, Cauzzi, Phuntsho, Grolimund, Mind the (seismic) gap : the 1714 Bhutan earthquake, 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva, 2016.

Marechal, Mazzotti, Cazes, Cattin, Vernant Drukpa, Thinley, Tarayoun, Le Roux-Mallouf, Doerflinger, Gautier, First GPS data solution in Bhutan : implication for the interseismic coupling variations along the Himalaya arc, HKT, 2016.

Cattin, Hetényi, Berthet, Panet, Pajot-Métivier, Drukpa, Le Moigne, Gautier, Lateral variations of terrestrial and satellite gravity measurements along the Himalayan arc, HKT, 2016.

Drukpa, Gautier, Cattin, Namgay, Le Moigne, Imaging the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) System in Southern Bhutan using near surface geophysical techniques. Implications for tectonic morphology and seismic hazard assessment, HKT, 2016.

Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Ritz, Berthet, Cattin, Drukpa, Evidence for two major historical earthquakes in Bhutan and new approach to assess seismic segmentation along the Himalayan arc, HKT 2016

Steer, Simoes, Cattin, Shyu, Erosion influence the seismicity of active thrust faults, EGU2016-13834, 2016.

Cattin, Hetényi, Berthet, Panet, Pajot-Métivier, Drukpa, Le Moigne, Gautier, Sapkota, Thinley,Along-strike variations of terrestrial and satellite gravity measurements along the Himalayan arc, EGU2016-3921, 2016

Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Ritz, Berthet, Cattin, Drukpa, Paleoseismic evidence for two major historical earthquakes in Bhutan : new insight for rupture segmentation along the Himalayan arc, EGU2016-7105, 2016.


Steer, Simoes, Cattin, Shyu, Erosion influence the seismicity of active thrust faults, EGU2015-11703, 2015.

Dominguez, Malavieille, Mazzotti, Martin, Caniven, Cattin, Soliva, Peyret, Lallemand, Modeling subduction megathrust earthquakes : Insights from a visco-elasto-plastic analog model, EGU2015-15200, 2015.

Le Roux-Mallouf, Godard, Cattin, Ferry, Gyeltshen, Ritz, Drukpa, Guillou, Aster Team, Evidence for a crustal ramp below the northernmost part of the Bhutan Himalayas, EGU2015-15056, 2015.

Cattin, Hetényi, Berthet, Panet, Pajot-Métivier, Drukpa, Le Moigne, Gautier, Sapkota, Thinley, Lateral variations of terrestrial and satellite gravimetry along the Himalayan arc, T21C-2828, AGU, 2015.

Le Roux-Mallouf, Ferry, Ritz, Berthet, Cattin, Drukpa, Segmentation And Earthquake Magnitudes Along The Himalayan Arc : Effect Of The Yadong Cross Structure, T21C-2834, AGU, 2015.


Genti, Chéry, Vernant, Larroque, Cattin, Could Erosion in the Western Alps triggers large earthquakes in the Ligurian basin ?, EGU, EGU2014-5095, 2014.

Ferry, Le Roux-Mallouf, Ritz, Berthet, Peyret, Vernant, Maréchal, Cattin, Mazzotti, Poujol, Tri-stereo Pleiades images-derived digital surface models for tectonic geomorphology studies, EGU, EGU2014-16401, 2014.

Le Roux Mallouf, Godard, Ferry, Cattin, Ritz, Drukpa, Gyeltshen, Uplift driven denudation rates and associated channel response across Bhutan Himalaya, HKT, 2014.

Steer, Simoes, Cattin, Shyu, Surface Processes Can Influence the seismicity of Active Faults, AGU, 2014.

Chery, Genti, Vernant, Cattin, Impact of glaciations and denudation on geodetic uplift and seismicity in the Alps : A rheological control ?, AGU, 2014.

Steer, Simoes, Cattin, Shyu, Surface Processes Can Influence the seismicity of Active Faults, GEEA, Taiwan, 2014.

Simoes, Steer, Shyu, Bruce, Cattin., Hsieh, Investigating the slip rates of active faults in the southwestern foothills of Taiwan, GEEA, Taiwan, 2014.


Caniven, Dominguez, Soliva, Cattin, Peyret, Chéry, Romano, Dynamics of a strike-slip fault analog model : Effects of the tectonic loading rate, AGU, T51C-2478, 2013.

Vernant, Nguyen, Mazzotti, Chery, Genti, Cattin, High uplift rates highlight the major role of erosion in the present-day geodynamics of the Western Alps, AGU, G43A-0953, 2013.

Ritz, Berthet, Ferry, Pelgay, Cattin, Drukpa, Braucher, Chophel, Thinley, Hetényi, Slip rate, magnitudes and ages of surface-rupturing events along the Main Frontal Thrust in Bhutan (Himalaya), AGU, T22B-08, 2013.

Genti, Chery, Cattin, Vernant, Malavieille, Erosion-induced isostatic rebound triggers extension in Pyrenees : insights from numerical modeling, 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, S05, 1437, 2013.

Vernant, Cattin, Thinley, Mazzotti, Sapkota, Berthet, Pelgay, Bollinger, Champollion, Drukpa, Jouanne, Avouac, Bilham, Flouzat, Chéry, Hetenyi, Doerflinger, Preliminary study of E-W interseismic coupling variations on the Main Himalayan Thrust from western Nepal to central Bhutan, EGU, 2013.

Berthet, Cattin, Hetény, Panet, Drukpa, Sapkota, Hammer, Champollion, Pelgay, Lemoigne, Chophel, Doerlfinger, Pajot-Métivier, Lechmann, Thinley, Lateral variations of crustal structures in eastern Himalayas : a 3Dmodelling approach constrain by terrestrial and satellite gravimetry, EGU, 2013.

Ritz, Berthet, Pelgay, Ferry, Drukpa, Cattin, Chophel, Thinley, Holocene slip rate and evidences of surface ruptures along the Main Frontal Thrust in Bhutan, EGU, 2013.

Canniven, Dominguez, Soliva, Cattin, Peyret, Chéry, Romano, Strike-slip fault kinematics at the seismic cycle time-scale : Results from new analogue model experiments, EGU, 2013.

Hetényi, Singer, Drukpa, Yangley, Pelgay, Gyaltshen, Chophel, Kissling, Király, Plenkers, Wagner, Meier, Peyrat, Nábělek, Wangchuck, Tsheten, Gyembo, Loday, Gayley, Metzger, Bärlocher, Hansemann, Weber, Racine, Heimers, Cauzzi, Diehl, Husen, Clinton, Haslinger, Cattin, The GANSSER seismological network in Bhutan, HKT-ISTP, 2013.

Berthet, Ritz, Pelgay, Ferry, Drukpa, Cattin, Chophel, Thinley, Hetényi, Holocene vertical displacement rate along the Main Frontal Thrust in Bhutan from abandoned fluvial terraces study, HKT-ISTP, 2013.

Cattin, Vernant, Thinley, Mazzotti, Sapkota, Berthet, Pelgay, Bollinger, Champollion, Drukpa, Jouanne, Avouac, Bilham, Flouzat, Chéry, Hetényi, Along-strike interseismic coupling variations on the Main Himalayan Thrust from western Nepal to central Bhutan, HKT-ISTP, 2013.


Berthet, Hetényi, Cattin, Champollion, Chophel, Doerflinger, Drukpa, Hammer, Lechmann, Lemoigne, Sapkota, Lateral variability of crustal geometry in the Himalays from W Nepal to Bhutan, HKT, S-VII (O8), 2012.

Berthet, Hetényi, Cattin, Champollion, Doerflinger, Sapkota, Drukpa, Chophel, Lateral variations of gravity anomalies in the Eastern Himalayas : preliminary results and interpretations, EGU, EGU2012-5609, 2012.

Cattin, Hoste-Colomer, Berthet, Hetényi, Seismic cycle stress change along the Himalayas over the last 900 years, WEGENER2012, 2012.

Caniven, Dominguez, Soliva, Cattin, Peyret, Romano, Fault kinematics and mechanics at the seismic cycle time-scale from experimental approach, WEGENER2012, 2012.

Berthet, Cattin, Hetényi, Champollion, Doerflinger, Lemoigne, Drukpa , Chophel, Hammer, Lechmann, Sapkota, Along strike variations of crustal geometry in the Himalayas from new gravity anomalies data and numerical modelling, WEGENER2012, 2012.


Hivert, Vernant, Chery, Cattin, Rigo, Can the gravitational collapse paradigm withstand the geodetic and seismologic observations in the Alps and the Pyrenees, birth of a new paradigm ?, AGU, EP41D-0636, 2011.


Hetényi, Connolly, Godard, Cattin, Consistent implementation of phase changes into geodynamic models, EGU, EGU2010-3507, 2010.

Burtin, Bollinger, Vergne, Cattin, Continuous monitoring of river bed load transport from the analysis of the induced seismic noise, EGU, EGU2010-3147, 2010.


Labrousse, Hetényi, Jolivet, Cattin, Initiation of crustal-scale thrusts triggered by metamorphic reactions at depth : insight from a comparison between Himalaya and Norwegian Caledonides, EGU, EGU2009-12892, 2009.

Hetényi, Bollinger, Cattin, Vergne, Partially molten crust cannot drive the growth of the Tibetan plateau, EGU, EGU2009-10488, 2009.

Hetényi, Connolly, Godard, Cattin, MC3 : Mass conservation, metamorphic changes and modelling consequences. /Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta/, *73 (13) Suppl. 1*, A527, 2009.

Cattin, Steer, Lavé, Godard, Interplay between isostasy, erosion and lithospheric rheology inferred from numerical modeling of post-orogenic deformation, AGU Fall meeting, EP43C-0667, 2009.

Steer, Cattin, Gibert, Labaume, Loggia, Soliva, Taboada, Jolivet, Lavé, Sizun, Experimental study of rock erodibility – diagenetic grade relationship, application to the Annot sandstone, French-Italian Alps, AGU Fall meeting, EP51A-0571, 2009.

Pubellier, Robert, de Sigoyer, Billerot, Cattin, Zhu, Vergne, Zhang, Chamot-Rooke, A synthetic Cross Section of the Longmen Shan, AGU Fall meeting, T11A-1778, 2009.

Doubre, Socquet, Masson, Jacques, Grandin, Nercessian, Kassim, Vergne, Diament, Hinderer, Ayele, Lewi, Calais, Peltzer, Toussaint, De Chaballier, Ballu, Luck, King, Vigny, Cattin, Tiberi, Kidane, Jalludin, Maggi, Dorbath, Manatschal, Schmittbuhl, Le Moigne, Deroussi, Dynamics of Rifting in two Active Rift Segments in Afar - Geodetic and Structural Studies - DoRA Project, AGU Fall meeting, T31B-1817, 2009.

Hetenyi, Steer, Cattin, Numerical modelling of post-orogenic evolution : isostasy, erosion and metamorphism, AGU Fall meeting, T43D-2145, 2009.


Steer, Cattin, Lavé, Role of Erosion law and Rocks Erodability on Orogens Evolution from 2D Thermo-Mechanical Modeling, AGU Fall meeting, T23C-2041, 2008.

Masson, Mouyen, Hwang, Cheng, Lee, Le Moigne, Hinderer, Cattin, Luck, Bayer, Malavieille, Study of the Taiwanese Orogen from Absolute Gravity Data, AGU Fall meeting, T31C-2013, 2008.

Jolivet, Labrousse, Hetényi, Huet, Raimbourg, Cattin, Interaction of metamorphism, fluids and deformation in exhuming subducted continental crust, field evidence and a model, AGU Fall meeting, T32C-08, 2008.

Robert, Zhu, Vergne, Cattin, Wittlinger, Chan, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Lithospheric Structures Across the Longmen Shan Mountain Range From Seismologic and Gravimetric Data, AGU Fall meeting, T33A-2031, 2008.

Godard, Lavé, Pik, Cattin, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Cenozoic tectonic activity of the Longmen Shan, Eastern Tibet, and the context of the May 2008 Sichuan earthquake, AGU Fall meeting, T33A-2035, 2008.

Mouyen, Cattin, Masson, Coulomb Stress Change due to Seismic Cycle in Western Taiwan Over the Last 270 Years, AGU Fall meeting, T33E-03, 2008.

Burtin, Bollinger, Vergne, Cattin, Hi-CLIMB Team, Seismic Detection of Debris Flow in the Himalayas and Their Spatiotemporal Characteristics, AGU Fall meeting, H51F-0898, 2008.

Godard, Lavé, Pik, Cattin, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Cenozoic tectonic activity of the Longmen Shan, Eastern Tibet, and the context of the May 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Workshop Chengdu, 2008.

Robert, Zhu, Vergne, Cattin, Wittlinger, Chan, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Lithospheric Structures Across the Longmen Shan Mountain Range From Seismologic and Gravimetric Data, Workshop Chengdu, 2008.

Robert, Zhu, Vergne, Herquel, Cattin, Wittlinger, Imaging of crustal structures underneath the Longmen Shan mountain range from passive seismological data, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Nancy (France), 2008.

Hetenyi, Vergne, Nabelek, Cattin, Brunet, Bollinger, Diament, Structure of the crust and the lithosphere in the Himalaya-Tibet region and implications on the rheology and eclogitization of the India plate, Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 5, 7 (Special Issue), 2008, PDF .


Cattin, Jolivet, Chamot-Rooke, Lasserre, Peltzer, Thin-plate modeling of interseismic deformation, application to the observed asymmetric deformation across the Altyn Tagh fault zone, AGU Fall meeting, G12A-01, 2007.

Godard, Cattin, Lavé, Pik, Carcaillet, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Bourlès, Recent Evolution of the Central Longmen Shan (Eastern Tibet) documented by denudation processes, AGU Fall meeting, T12D-01, 2007.

Socquet, Vigny, Simons, Pietrzack, Ham, Cattin, Relative plates Motions and associated deformation across the Sunda-Sumatra-Arakan trenches, AGU Fall meeting, G12A-05, 2007.

Hetényi, Godard, Cattin, Brunet, Role of Metamorphic Reactions and Related Density Changes in Mountain Building, AGU Fall meeting, T21B-0584, 2007.

Burtin, Bollinger, Vergne, Cattin, Nábĕlek, AGU Fall meeting, Spatial and Continuous Observations of Stream Hydrodynamics and Bedload Transport From Spectral Analysis of River Induced Seismic Noise, AGU Fall meeting, H51E-0793, 2007.

Hermawan, Vigny, Cattin, Chamot-Rooke, Status of GPS Based Investigations on the Recent Sequence of Earthquakes on the Sumatran Trench, AGU Fall meeting, U51A-0009, 2007.

Hetenyi, Cattin, Brunet, Vergne, Bollinger, Nabelek, Diament, Lateral variations of crustal thickness and eclogitization beneath the South-Central part of the Tibetan Plateau from seismological contraints and gravities anomalies, EGU,2007.

Godard, Cattin, Lave, Carcaillet, Pik, Tibari, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Zhu, No surface evidence for recent channel flow imprint in Eastern Tibet, EGU, 2007


Vigny, Simons, Abu, Promthong, Satirapod, Socquet, Cattin, Pietrzak, Chew, Sarsito, Status of GPS based Investigations on the 26 December 2004 Mega-thrust Earthquake, EGU, 2006.

Hetenyi, Cattin, Vergne, Nabelek, Pandey, The shape of the Ganges Basin and its implication for the Effective Elastic Thickness of the India plate, International Workshop on Seimolology, Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard in Himalayan Region, 2006.

Burtin, Vergne, Cattin, Bollinger, Nabelek, Sapkota, Correlation between background seismic noise and hydrological data along the Trisuli river, International Workshop on Seimolology, Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard in Himalayan Region, 2006.

Bettinelli, Flouzat, Avouac, Bollinger, Cattin, Sapkota, Seasonnal signal variations in GPS time series in the central Himalaya of Nepal, International Workshop on Seimolology, Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard in Himalayan Region, 2006.

Bettinelli, Flouzat, Avouac, Bollinger, Cattin, Sapkota, Seasonnal signal variations in GPS time series in the central Himalaya of Nepal, AGU Fall meeting, G43A-0984, 2006.


Godard, Lavé, Cattin, Linkage of denudation and precipitation in the Himalayas, EGU, 2005.

Godard, Lavé, Cattin, Recent evolution of the Longmen Shan , eastern Tibet : Insights from denudation rates and numerical modeling, HKT, 2005.

Hetenyi, Cattin, Vergne, Nabelek, Effective thickness of the India plate from receiver function imaging, gravity anomaly and numerical modelling, AGU Fall meeting, T43A-1382, 2005.

Cattin, Segall, Effective friction coefficient and pore pressure along the San Andreas fault from seismicity rate change after the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, AGU Fall meeting, T53B-1430, 2005.

Godard, Lavé, Cattin, de Sigoyer, Pubellier, Pik, Zhu, Fluvial incision and exhumation along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, AGU Fall meeting, T23C-0569, 2005.


Simoes, Avouac, Cattin, Henry, The downdip limit of the seismogenic zone along the sumatra subduction zone, a challenge to current views, EGS-AGU-EUG, GD7-1TH3P-0069, 2003.

Loevenbruck, Cattin, Coseismic slip resolution of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan, constrained by geological observations, geodetic measurements and seismicity ; implications for seismic cycle in western Taiwan, EGS-AGU-EUG, SM13-1MO2P-0239, 2003.

Cattin, Loevenbruck, Le Pichon, How to explain the coseismic slip distribution of the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake ?, AGU Fall meeting, T12C-0480, 2003.

Godard, Cattin, Lavé, Numerical Modeling of the Evolution of the Himalayas of Central Nepal due to Active Tectonics and Fluvial Incision, AGU Fall meeting, T21C-0468, 2003.

Bollinger, Avouac, Cattin, Pandey, Assessing lateral variations of stress and strain build up along the Himalaya from geodetic and seismicity monitoring, AGU Fall meeting, T52A-0230, 2003.

Simoes, Avouac, Cattin, Henry, Natawidjaja, Interseismic strain along the Sumatra subduction zone : a case for a locked fault portion extending well below the forearc moho, AGU Fall meeting, T52A-0241, 2003.


Loevenbruck and Cattin, Slip distribution of the 21 September 1999 Earthquake in Taiwan from inversion of GPS, SPOT images and Strong motion data, AGU Fall meeting, T32A-0871, 2001.

Le Pichon, Loevenbruck and Cattin, The Taiwan 1999 Chi-chi earthquake as the rupture of an elastically loaded splay fault branching out of a ductile decollement within a subaerial accretionay wedge, AGU Fall meeting, T41E-06, 2001.

Cattin, de Chabalier, King, Vigny, Avouac, Ruegg, Thermo-mechanical modeling of seismic cycle and Quaternary deformation of the Asal rift, Djibouti, Africa : Implication for the rheology of the lithosphere, AGU Fall meeting, T51B-0870, 2001.


Le Pichon, Loevenbruck, Mazzotti, Henry and Cattin, Elastic deformation and seismic cycle in Japan and Taiwan, Taiwan-France Symposium on Natural Hazard Mitigation, 2000.

Avouac, Lavé, Hurtrez and Cattin, Interaction between crustal deformation and surface processes in the Himalaya of Nepal, AGU Fall meeting, T62F-01, 2000.


Cattin, Avouac and Henry, Thermo-Mechanical modeling of seismic cycle in the Himalaya of Nepal, EUG, A02:3P/14, 1999.

Martelet, Cattin, Henry, Avouac and Diament, Constraints on the crustal structure and petrology based on recent gravity measurements in Nepal, EUG, A02:3P/01, 1999.


Cattin, Lyon-Caen, Armijo, de Chabalier and Ruegg, Modelling of the seismic cycle in subduction zones, application to northern Chile, EGS, SE17.2, 1998.

Zamora and Cattin, Effect of pore geometry on thermal properties of sedimentary rocks, EGS, SE39.3, 1998.

Avouac, Lavé, Cattin, Pandey and Tandukar, Active mountain building in the Himalaya of Nepal, AGU Fall meeting, G22A-04, 1998.

Cattin, Avouac and Mariotti, Mechanical model of the seismic cycle in the Himalaya of Nepal, AGU Fall meeting, G71E-10, 1998.


Cattin, Lyon-Caen et Chéry, Quantification du coefficient de friction apparent à l’échelle d’une zone de subduction, RST, Symposium 4, 1996.

Cattin, Lyon-Caen and Chéry, Quantification of friction coefficient in subduction zones, using mechanical and thermal approaches, AGU Fall meeting, T22A-03, 1996.


Bertrand, Cattin and Guy, Estimation of reactive surface during balsalt alteration : physical and chemical approach, EUG, XIII-1, 1995.


Cattin, Zamora et Bienfait, Relations entre les propriétés élastiques et les propriétés de transport de la chaleur dans les carbonates, RST, T8, 1994.

Cattin, Zamora and Bienfait, Empirical relationship between thermal conductivity a,d seismic velocities, AGU Fall meeting, T22D-07, 1994.